Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Impossible Shot

First some misses
Then when you actually make it, there just happens to be a rain drop in one of the worst possible places.

I'll make it again sometime soon....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Almost Again...

You will probably never be as cool as James Milne Wilson, who was born and died on leap day, February 29. (2/29/1812 - 2/29/1880)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Nothing is better than eternal happiness. A sammich is better than nothing. Therefore, a sammich is better than eternal happiness.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Channel Views

My channel view count has ended in doubles each of the last three days. Will this continue? 

Here's some Dance Bananana (I can never quite get the amount of ana's right) Dance

Friday, October 15, 2010

Writing - 'Melt'


      As I browsed YouTube, bored and alone, I came upon a related video containing a picture of a peculiar pink haired girl.  I quickly knew it was Luka Megurine, the amazing vocaloid released by Crypton on January 30th, 2009. I promptly saw in the title "Melt". I had heard this song many times before, but strangely I had never seen the original by the person who had made the english .vsq, sango312. I quickly clicked on the video, eager to listen to the blissful sound of Luka singing Melt, just one of the many countless numbers of fantastic works created by the skillful sango312. 

       The song starts playing, and I'm instantly caught in the wonderful sensation that is ‘[Vocaloid] Melt - Megurine Luka – English’. I turn my eyes to the picture of Luka Megurine, as she ever so peacefully stares at me through the computer screen into the inners of my lonely heart. I notice a series of black words just above her titties. I happily read the helpful notice of lyrics being in the description, and am very pleased that this was included in the visual section of the video. I then read it again and notice the word “description” is spelt “discription.” I am suddenly drawn into a state of melancholy. How could this be, someone so much as amazing as sango312, spelling a word wrong.

       I then understand that this was not a mistake at all, but rather an amazing psychological epiphany cleverly planned by the godful sango312. This simple mistake changed me. I now realized the true value of life. I could now truly understand the beautiful universe we live in; I could grasp the all inspiring thing that was life. I instantly was put into a state of everlasting inspiration and hope. Suddenly, all my problems melted away.  What exactly I discovered, I cannot tell you, for it cannot be put into any form of writing. But one day, you will go through the same amazing experience I have. You will finally experience true and everlasting happiness, and you will be able to sit back and enjoy everything that is, and the world will be perfect.~

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Running outside in 18°F in the dark at 7:50 am for gym is no fun.
Random good songs

Thursday, October 7, 2010


According to my recent studies involving one (1) test subject, 100% of all American one dollar bills end in 666.

Needless to say you should be concerned. Very concerned.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Smilies and such

Random epic pictures you should look at:

And this song is epic, an awesome coincidence that he used the same smiley I base mine off of... :3

Saturday, October 2, 2010


For some reason in my mind today I keep thinking it's later than it actually is. It makes for many instances of joy and relief. :D 

Random thought: If you only have a .01% of fail and you fail, is it a win?

And here's some Remilia...