Thursday, November 22, 2012

Post from Scratch

I am here to write a post from scratch. I have nothing to write about. I know why tumblr is more famous than blogger. Tumblr is based off of reblogging and copying other posts, while blogger is based on creating original content. Who wants to create original content these days? Which is a song by Jack Conte, a guy very good at creating original content.

Storing wealth in items and physical possessions is a major restriction on one's life. When you base your worth and life with stuff, it becomes nearly impossible to make any quick changes in your life.

Luckily, we still live in a world in which people will buy all the crap you have, at a price. In the future I perceive that people will start to see the worthlessness of random crap such as toys, jewelry, and clothes. Things that used to take time and effort to make, but now can be produced nearly infinitely.

Better ways to store one's wealth and time? In things that don't exist in physical form, such as bank accounts, investments, gold or silver, youtube videos, and memories. The physical world isn't big enough or practical enough to store one's entire life, but the internet is.

One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.